The Head of "The Legendary Flower Punk", "Oragnic is Orgasmic" and surely the head and leadguitarhero of "Grand Astoria"...here the short but great interview with this interesting musician...Kamille:
1 )Hi Kamille here some questions about you, the band and your endless energy on tour...
Which was your first guitar and which amp was hooked to it?
- Hey mate!My first guitar was japanese Jackson Performer and small shitty Ibanez Tone Blaster 25 watt combo.Good things to start actually!
2)Do you remember the first record you owned? If yes, can you still listen to it without feeling ashamed?
-AC/DC "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap".It's still one of my favourite bands

3) What inspires you while songwriting? What would you say is the hardest part about it? Whats your method?
- Russian winters inspire me ;)
I have no method,I just play guitar and then a riff or melody comes.Lyrics is the hardesrt part in the songwriting for me
4) What moment or concert do you think was the highlight of your rockcareer until now?
-Desertfest this year I think.We liked it very much.
5) How does it work with your bandmembers...this long tour with The Grand Astoria, what makes it possible?
- We have constantly changing rhythm section,it's only me and second guitar player who stay in the band.I hope to find right people one day.
6) What was your biggest moment on the many stage's where did you play?
- To play an encore is always a pleasure.We did it few times already
7) Can we expect new material in the next time?
- Lots of stuff!New split with US Christmas coming out in October,then I have plans for new 7' single and a CD with live recordings from different countries.
And I don't want to promise anything but I hope our fourth full-lenth album will be released in March-April 2013.We are recording it right now
- Russian winters inspire me ;)

4) What moment or concert do you think was the highlight of your rockcareer until now?
-Desertfest this year I think.We liked it very much.
photoby Steffen Freiling |
- We have constantly changing rhythm section,it's only me and second guitar player who stay in the band.I hope to find right people one day.
6) What was your biggest moment on the many stage's where did you play?
- To play an encore is always a pleasure.We did it few times already
7) Can we expect new material in the next time?
- Lots of stuff!New split with US Christmas coming out in October,then I have plans for new 7' single and a CD with live recordings from different countries.
And I don't want to promise anything but I hope our fourth full-lenth album will be released in March-April 2013.We are recording it right now
BANDCAMP(name your price)
8) You have tried something diffrent with "The Legendary Flower Punk".how is the reaction of the crowd to that project?
-I also have another project called "Organic Is Orgasmic",it's more space rock thing.Lots of people told me that they liked it.I even sold some CDs of these
projects during last TGA tour
9) Last and most important question: Which advice can you give all the young and unknown guitarleros out there?
- Folks,it's harder than it looks but it worth it ;)

Thank you for your time...Yours Stonerhead!
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