Thursday, July 14, 2011

...Stoned at once...

Stoned From The Underground 2011... a festival of superlatives, great bands, great crowd, good sound, beautiful scenery, nice weather and a lot of homely minded people from all over the world. These three days I will never forget. Here some private photos and other interesting things.


A great Artist named KABUTO from italy, he make this Cover.
They are limited and very special pruduced. i think they have make 14-15 diffrent little books.
Interviews, Artists and many off other Informations of the Stonerworld.
Buy one!!!

JOHAN JACOB a very nice Artist from France, print this pictures for SFTU, you can order it here to.
This Guy is a very interesting person, play guitar and sings on Glowsun, make Flyer, Posters, Prints, Shirts and other cool stuff. And glowsun is godlike, listen!!!!

Glowsun - The Sundering


They played on second Day at last, great gig, great show with little stagelight problems, but from start to end fucking awsome!!! Buy the Stuff on elektrohasch records.

 Great japan stonersludger, awsome voice this guy, bad grooves and strange themes for textes.
10 from 10 Stonerpoints!!!!!

The first Song from Curch of Misery SFTU2011

Old, worn out but still brilliant on stage ... MONSTER MAGNET again in top form.

very colorful and flashy, VIBRAVOID, not everyone's cup of tea. but you really have to decide for themselves. 

A festival that you will not soon forget and a must next year, I've learned a lot from the matter, new bands, new artists and interesting people. thank who have made ​​these three days for me at all so awesome.

 See you next Year!!!!

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